Sunday, January 5, 2014

Packing Smart

I know I hate to pack and always put it off until the last possible moment, unlike my husband who packs weeks before we're every going to leave the driveway. 

Everyone has their own theory on how to pack but I wanted to share a few of mine with you.  I've got advise from many other travelers either while sitting in a snowbound airport or on my blog.

My favorites and number one on my list has to be the jelly roll technique.  I list them by food names so you'll see the foodie in me coming out.  This could also be called the Navy seaman's packing style.  My husband is retired navy and had me use this technique to fold his laundry.

With the jelly roll technique you fold your item in half lengthwise and then roll from one end to the other.  It makes a nice tight item to put in your suitcase and allows you to fill every corner this way.  It also cuts down on wrinkled clothes.

Another favorite is stack of flapjacks style.  This is good for business travelers as it lessens wrinkles too.  You can put plastic clothes bags from the dry cleaner between each layer or department store clothes bags.  Also some folks like to leave hangers on the clothes so when you reach your destination you can immediately hang your clothes up.  I think it takes up too much room in the suitcase but if you have room, why not.  Most hotels only supply a handful of hangers and some can't be removed from the closet rod making it a task to put clothes away.  Whatever your preference.
You can still use the jelly roll technique with this rolling scarfs, belts and any small items to fit in the corners as well.

I love the packing cubes that allow you to organize items in zippered clothes pouches. When you arrive you have all your items already separated and it makes it easier to put them away or find things without rummaging through your suitcase to find a pair of socks in the very bottom or your items for the day.  I like to pack one in my carryon with a days worth of clothes should my checked bags get lost.  This way I always have a change of clothes.  I wish I had done this when we flew to France.  My luggage got lost but Air France did give my husband and I a beautiful gold overnight bag with a nightshirt and a package of condoms. It took 2 of the 4 days we were there to locate our luggage but if I had packed one with extra items I would have been happier.

There are many different brands so check out to see what fits your needs the best.  Also Specter has pack it cube sets that are a great price from Eagle creek.

Pack it sets from

  Pack it Cube set from Eagle

A favorite of mine for years has been the Space Bag style.  These can be purchased on line or at your favorite department store.  They allow you to pack a lot of things and then use your vacuum hose attachment to suck all the air out and allows you to get a lot more in your suitcase.  This is a good idea if you're traveling and going to leave things at your destination but remember you'll need a vacuum clean to repack these.  They do also have some of the Space Bags that you can roll and then seal to get the air out as well.  I'll be doing a review of these in the near future so watch for that.

Remember if you're traveling overseas and planning on taking jaunts check out the suitcase size you're allowed as it is SMALL.  When we flew from London to France and London to Rome we were only allowed 24 pounds.  That's a pair of jeans, a couple pair of underwear and a hairbrush. 

Enjoy your travels and lets hear your ideas.  Check out my web at and also you can contact me at  Happy traveling my friends.

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